FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are answers to the most common questions.

If you don't find an answer here, reach out to me directly!

Can I get your books on Amazon, iTunes, B&N, Kobo, etc.?

Absolutely. Here are the links to my author page on these sites:

Where's the Truthful Lies series?

I'll be adding this series to my store soon. Subscribe to updates by typing in your email address at the bottom of the page.

Where are the other books you wrote?

I've done an entire rework on my catalogue, including taking some older works off the market. I'm focusing on new, longer works now. I'm hoping my next series will be out in early 2024.

Can I read a sample before buying?

Yes! There's a big read sample on every product page. 

Are you a legitimate business?

Yes, my books are handled by Dunning Publishing Ltd, a registered company in England, with the registration number 15106496. 

Is Rachel Dunning your real name?

No. As with many authors in the steamy romance genre, I use a pseudonym. "Rachel" was inspired by the Friends character, and Dunning came out of nowhere. 

Do you really offer a 100% money back guarantee?

Absolutely. Please check my refund policy for more details.

Do you have a Facebook page?

Yes, it's here. Although, my mailing list is the best place to get all the latest news from me. Sign up at the bottom of this page. 

Why do you sell direct?

Writing is my business and my readers are my customers. I want to have a relationship with my customers. I hit the scene in 2013 and the ecosystem was different back them, but it has grown glutted through the big sellers. Selling directly allows me to cut the middleman out, charge lower prices, and build a direct relationship with my readers (customers).  

It's also tons of fun.